Advanced Angular Interview QuestionsIn 2024, recession and lay off still is on going. Many developers are looking for a job. This is not a ideal situation you will get…Apr 20, 20247Apr 20, 20247
Cheat Sheet on Java CollectionOver the past eight months, I have dedicated myself to practicing on LeetCode, honing my problem-solving skills. However, I have often…Jun 15, 20233Jun 15, 20233
Microservice Design Patterns and PrinciplesMicroservice is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services…Jun 12, 2023Jun 12, 2023
Proxy Design PatternThe Proxy design pattern is a structural pattern that allows you to provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access…May 7, 2023May 7, 2023
Factory Design PatternThe Factory Pattern is a creational design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects of class. The main goal of this pattern…Mar 26, 2023Mar 26, 2023
Bearer Token, JWT Bearer Token, OAuth2Both bear token and JWT bear are is used for user authentication and authorization purposes in web applications.. But there is some…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Decorator Design PatternThe Decorator Design Pattern is a structural design pattern that allow to add functionality to a object at runtime. At the same time, other…Feb 27, 2023Feb 27, 2023
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is a fundamental principle in object-oriented programming that states that objects of a superclass…Feb 20, 20238Feb 20, 20238